Longitudinal In-vivo Detection of Synapses

A project that aids neuroscience research by autonomously detecting synapses and longitudinally tracking synapses in in-vivo two-photon microscopy imaging





David Li

David's goal is to apply computer vision techniques to track detected synapses over time.

Drishti Mannan

Drishti is evaluating NeuroData Bloby and LDA as alternative methods for synapse detection in two-photon microscopy images.

Sharmini Premanathan

Sharmini is applying the Hungarian algorithm to synapse tracking by viewing the problem as a bipartite matching problem.

Ananya Swaminathan

Ananya is evaluating the performance of Ilastik, a commercially available program for synapse analysis, on two-photon microscopy images.


If you are interested in contacting LIDS, please make an issue in our Github repository.